AndrewJ. McDonald
Inside the Books

Statement from the high supreme council of Earth control:-
Calendar date 04/04/2875
Due to increasing numbers in the world population and the ever dwindling natural resources offered by the homeworld we are actively encouraging pioneers to support the expanding network of off-world experiences. The opportunity to forge to new boudaries and expand your own piece of the universe at very little finanicial cost to yourself or your family. Offered in our lucrative packages include, low cost and an affordable transport off-world to a numbers of specially chosen suitable colony prospects. The opportunity to start a new life and a new career in creating a unique environment for your family to survive and prosper in, with the opportunity to lay the cornerstone of a new home. As part of the package, you will be offered full support and equipment from Earth Council with full housing benefits with our state-of-the-art habitation domes, coupled with complete mineral and geological survey reports. Full financial support will be offered through the growing Empire network with full trade and communicatins networks linked to your colony. With the overcrowding issue on Earth can you not afford to take full advantage of this once in a lifetime offer to fulfill your destiny and build a better life for your family. Don't delay...contact your local authority now to arrange finance and travel packages.
Statement from Colony 7101970/j...Hope
Calendar date 14/10/2876
We have designated the colony Hope and have established a series of living establishments around the large Central Dome which has been designated as the central govenrment building. The town is expanding and we hope to locate a suitabel area for the construction of a fully functioning Bio-Dome within the year to assist with the growing of our crops. The land is dry and arid, but early indications show there is suitable nutrients within the soil to support our crops. The climate is placid, and the temperature is normal for Earth conditions. We have no illusions that life will be difficult, but through determination we should survive. Early tests show high levels of mineral deposits which the community should be able to mine and trade with colonies off-world, this will offer greater financial support to the whole colony. The future is bright.
Michael Norton. Head Councillor
Calendar date 17/05/2877
Colony prospectus:-
The main body of the colony is broken down into three specific areas, each containing there own function within the natural relationship of the colony. The main body is the town of Hope...this area is a network of small habitation domes running in a honycomb of streets surrounding a large council Dome located within the centre of the town. Each habitation chamber is fully equipped to ensure comfort for the occupant with living quarters fully private to the individuals needs. An electrical supply is generated to each dome by a network of underground cables generated from a standard generator which draws on the natural kinetic power of the planet to generate power to run the three areas of the colony.
All food substances, both in organic nature and artificial are stored and created in the largest Dome in the colony, located on the outskirts of the town and within short walking distance. This area is known locally as Faith and stores the largest assortment of natural produce, supplying the colony with a wealth of consumable vegetation from carrots and potatoes to apples and other forms of consumables. Water filters beneath Faith cleanse and purify the water supply for irrigation and domestic useage with most of the water used in the colony being recycled via the colonies filtration system. Waste produce is processed through the filtration system to ensure clean drinkable liquid which can be accessed by all colonists and cultivators.
The main occupation of the colony consists in the extensive mining area known locally as Prosperity. The mines are worked extensively and run beneath the surface of the planet in the extraction of minerals and core samples which constitute in the colonies main source of income. Standing above the colony are the Watchtowers, large monolithic structures of steel which monitor the ever changing weather conditions of the planet. The monitoring stations are manned at all times, with equipment designed to detect the smallest changes to the atmospheirc pressure within the atmosphere.
Please note:- On the signature of the alram being sounded it IS advised to seek shelter immiediatly.
Statements from selected colonists:-
File represenation 4815/section xy6/91
"The people of Hope are happy. We have everything at our disposal and offer a fully fuctioning colony which is both prosperous and succesful. We have built the colony over the years through a series of hard work and perservance and together we shall contiue to strive forward to make a success of our lives. Yes...I shall admit, times have been hard and we have had casualties along the way, I myslef have suffered wih the tragic accident which befall my husband, but nevertheless we contiune to build upon disatser and together we are stronger for it. The opportunies presented in Hope completely outweigh the negativity in some corners of the colony. We are a proud colony. We are a strong colony. We are Hope!"
Lorraine Norton. Council Spokesperson
"People are weak. They are mindless fools, who need a strong hand to lead them. They respect the strong hand of leadership and respect the level of fear brought by that hand. I single handly brought this mindless possey of sheep to this godforsaken hell-hole and for what?, to have my moment of glory snatched away from me by those patheic Norton's! I should be in charge of this colony, the people deserve a strong leader who will not pander to the weak wills of the general populace. I am not here to be liked, Iam here to be feared and through fear I will drag this colony from the pits of depression to its rightful place withiin the Empire. People are stupid and they need to be told what to do...and I am that man to do it and may God have mercy on any man or woman who crosses me"
Dillonger Creed. Colonist
"Yeah...well...I don't really know what to say. I came here following a dream, you know the chance to make a better life for myself on a new world. Who wouldn't want that? The dream...but that feels like a long time ago now. Don't get me wrong, the dream is still there, but it is very hard work. The long hours, with little sleep and less food, the conditions...the rain. But the dream is still there, just mixed along with more reality now I suppose. Sometimes I do lie in bed at night and wonder if all of this is really worth it. Why stay? For her...there's a girl you see, I suppose there always is. She's amazing, she makes me smile...even when I don't want too, she makes me laugh, she makes me feel better...not just about the colony but about myself. I care about her probably more than I would care to admit, even to myself and I have promised to look after her, ha...even if she doesn't know it. And that's the problem...to her I don't exist anymore than just a friend and I don't have the courage to tell her how I feel. But I can take care of her, by being there when she needs someone to talk to and in the mean time...I still have my dreams don't I. Nobody can take those away from me"
Banjo Jax. Miner
"Holy Father,
hear thine child and give me strength in my cmission to deliver sanctuary to the blessed colonists of Hope. I have read the scriptures delivered to H.O.S.T by the Earth Council and will act on them accordingly in thy name. Please deliver me from evil and keep me from trespassing aganist those who may seek to trespass against my noblest of causes in thy name. I seek to fulfill my devout mission to enlighten to people of Hope from the evils which has befell their colony and deliver thy will . I ask thee holy father to guide my hand and offer redemption to those who may seek to tempt the path of righteousness. Holy Father, hear the words of your child and deliver me from evil. For thine is the power, the glory and the holiest of all kingdoms.
The Holy Reverand Aston James. Representative of the Holy Order of Spitiual Tribute
"I love it here. I have a wonderful job in the Bio-Dome, with some wonderful people and I have some wonderful friends. The colony represents to me the endless possibilties which we have as a species and a culture. Imagine only a few hundred years ago we were still stuck on earth squabbling about nuclear fuel, now here we are out among the stars. The opportunity to start again is amazing and I really feel honoured to be apart of this. My only regret is that I have to do it alone. There is somebody I care for, he's sweet and caring, but can be so wrapped up in his job that he doesn't have time for anything else. His name's Banjo and above anything else he's my best friend...he's hard working and passionate and I know he cares about me, but I don't know how much. My job?...Oh...it's in the Bio-Dome. I am a botonist by trade and run the cultivation of the crops. We have a large selection of natural resources which are largely consumable, but also offer a series of purely aesthetic plant life from trees to flowers. You should see the Dome in full bloom...it's the most beautiful thing you'll ever see"
Cass Walker. Head Botonist​