AndrewJ. McDonald

Rain is now exclusively available through the Amazon Kindle Store. All details are now available to view online. The book is available in the UK at a retail price of £2.25 and US $2.99. Copies can be purchased from the following countries, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Holland, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Mexico and India...all details are available on the Amazon Kindle Store concerning pricing for each of these countries. Now available in Paperback through Amazon.

The Shadow in the Flame
This was my first story and as this moment remains unpublished, although unedited versions can be found on my inkitt site as a Beta test. The story is a horror/ghost story about a house which was involved in a terrible fire and has been rebuilt by a college as student housing. The story is complete and ready for publication...all it needs is a publisher.

The Calling
Full blown fantasy tale based heavily around the myth of King Arthur, but set against the back-drop of modern day life. This story is complete and has undergone three edits to date. Future work will continue on the story soon and eventually it will be ready for release...stay tuned for further updates concerning this title. An unedited version of this story is available for a limited time only through the Inkit website. Interest has been shown from several publishing houses and may soon be available.

School for Apes
This title is aimed solely at the children and family market and charts the story of a young boy called Dominic Atwell who is expelled from every school in the area. With his parents desperate, they discover a school called Hazeldene which caters for 'special' children. Once their Dominic discovers the true meaning of friendship and that bullies do not prosper. School for Apes is published by Wordsmatterpublishing and is available through the companies website/Amazon and all good online sellers .
Fire and Ice
Another story is complete is Fire and Ice. This story is a dystopian thriller set on an alien planet somewhere in the future. A rescue mission is attacked by ferocious creatures and left stranded as it attempts to save the population from a savage changing world. As they struggle to survive, they find themselves at the mercy of the planet as they themselves begin to change. Can they save themselves before the gods of fire and ice turn them into echoes of themselves?
The Doomstone
Following the success of posting stories on the Inkitt site, a company based at Harvard University, USA have reached out and asked if I would consider contributing to their expanding Wordisode business. The result...The Doomstone. A horror story centres around the discovery of an ancient stone known as the Doomstone. It origins are a mystery, but the horror it releases is very real. As the stone comes to life, all around it death walks the land​. Unfortunately, the Wordisode project seems to have died a slow death, but the Doomstone is very much alive. It is complete and will be published on the Inkitt site soon. Work will commence soon to lengthen the story to a suitable size from its present state.
U.N.I.T Fannual
I am happy to announce that this project is back on track thanks to the hard work of Beermat Productions! This fan based book tells the stories of the U.N.I.T organisation featured in the Doctor Who television programme. Based during the Jon Pertwee era of the programme, the book tells a variety of stories in various types like comic and written prose as well as interesting articles and puzzles supplied by a number of fans. I have included in the book two stories, Infestation and The Axon Child as well as a number of monster files. Approximate publishing date for this title is expected around summer 2019.
The 1972 Doctor Who Annual
The missing Annual in the Doctor Who Library is finally being fulfilled. Based solely around the Third Doctor's adventures, I have two stories to feature in the book. The Last Unicorn on the Rainbow Bridge and Fangs for the Memories as well as the Dairy of Josephine Grant. Join the Doctor as he watches his friends become werewolves before he struggles in a make believe world of unicorns and teddy bears as he tries to cross the rainbow bridge. Then read the thoughs of the Doctor's companion in her first year at unit.
The Complete History of U.N.I.T
Ever wanted to know who Elizabeth Klein is? Or what is Octopus Rock? What is hidden beneath the White Tower? And who or what are the Spoonheads? From an exclusive look at the beginning the organistions creation from the embers of ICMG to the recent Zygon invasion, the complete history celebrates Doctor Who most successful military organistion. The books looks at everything from uniforms and weaponry to bases and villains. With an agreement with Beermat Porductions to publish, expected date around November 2018.
A dystopian world set five minutes into the future. The world lies in chaos, ravaged by drought, war, famine and pestilence. The survivors struggle to survive in vast domed City States, while the world outside dies. In the City State of Jorvik a terrible secret hides in the catacombs of Deadfall; a medical and funeral parlour. A small group of survivors struggle against the rulers of Deadfall, creatures which prowl the catacombs and grave robbers while they come to realise that in Deadfall, only the dead will fall. . .
Work has begun on my latest book, the first in a series of novels set in the immediate future. More news to follow on the Futureshock series.
Check out my latest interview on the serious reading website as well my my latest advert for Rain. Also advertisements for Rain showing on writers.support website