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Don't worship me...I'd make a poor God

Don't be mistaken by the egotistical title, it's not about being self-absorbed...more about who we are as a person. As Paul Simon once sang, every generation throws a hero up the pop charts and in some part that's what we be a hero, at least to someone. Popular culture throws heroes down our throats all the time from TV to film, comic to books and sport and culture. We idolize and emulate these 'people', Iron Man and Black Widow...Lara Croft and Han Solo...David Beckham and Jessica Ennis-Hill...Kylie Minogue and Justin Bieber all 'heroes' in their own fields and people we look up to. I myself have fallen into this a child I played 'War', then as I grew I dreamt of being a superhero until finally I had visions of being elevated as a hero, sweeping in to saving the damsel on a magnificent white charger (although I have never been near a horse in my life)...and even now as an adult I still dream of being a hero to the love of my life and my children...being a protector...promising to look after those who mean most to me. The whole point of this blog, is just be who you are...not what people expect you to be. There are true people in life who are heroes...everyday people, people who seek no rewards, no gratitude, just doing there job day in day out. Throughout life, people will respect and ultimately look up to you more if you stay true to yourself and not try to be something your not.

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