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Eating Cheese on Toast

Okay, so I've been ill. Quite ill. Very Ill, depends on your perspective, but ill enough to send me to hospital for a while. Being this ill is a good time to take stock and think about what really matters and who really matter. Consider your life. How many times have you done what you need to do and not what you want to do. I bet its more than you'd like to admit. How many times have you sacrificed your own happiness for others? Or what you want for what has to be done. I've spoke about the paths our lives take us in the past and here we are again. Your presented with two paths. While one is clear, it is easy. The other is hard, but rewarding. Which do you take? The clear path offers an easy life, but leaves you unfulfilled. It takes you through life without offering you what you really want. The other is full of obstacles. It is hard and dark and you may not be able to see the light, but it leads to happiness. The easy route seems the logical option, but life isn't that simple. The clear path offers riches and fame, but does this give you happiness. How many famous celebrities suffer depression? The other path is long and you may not think you can walk it, but with the right people you can. One of the reasons I write, isn't for money or fame, it's the thought of the joy that my stories bring. I love my wife and children, they make me happy but my path hasn't gone the way I wish it had and now in my late forties I am doing something I enjoy. The easy path isn't necessarily the right path. Do what makes you happy.

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