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You were expecting someone else. . .

It's been a while. The darkness had embraced my heart for such a long time following the death of my mother and other family members, but the birth of my Grandson has given life a meaning again, a new life. . .a new start. It's easy to be dragged into the mire of life where nothing feels right and darkness is around every corner, but time comes to us all and it's how we react which helps us grow as people. Misery will always walk hand-in-hand with happiness and darkness will always compete with light. For long time, I struggled with my own demons where life did not seem to matter and days stretched and melded into one continuous day. But, with help and determination I have crawled through to the other side and stand with my head held high knowing that I have done my best. Now I can stand in the sun and plan for the future. . .a brighter future filled with hope, love and understanding and my head is full of ideas ranging from lost unicorns, food factories, dead falling, Apes and angels, fire and floods. Keep reading, keep hopeful, keep dreaming. . .

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